


We will, as our pupils are growing and learning with us, care for, support and safeguard them whilst striving to encourage them to be responsible citizens and do the same for each other and their wider community.


We will strive to ignite our pupils’ desire and enthusiasm to learn without limits.


We will aim to encourage our pupils and school community to develop academically and socially which will develop their desire to explore the wider world, skilled and equipped to find out even more.


We will foster belief through believing in yourself, taking on challenges and digging deep within yourself to conquer fears.

Before & After School Club Childcare Provision



Funfactor is our wrap around care facility, offering breakfast and after school club for pupils attending Parkroyal from 7.30am until 6:00pm Monday to Friday.


Holiday club is also available from 8.30am until 5.30pm Monday to Friday during some of the school holidays (The opening dates are updated in our Welcome pack each academic year. INSET days are closed due to staff training).


The club is staffed by members of the Parkroyal school team and operates from the lower school hall.  


Information regarding booking, prices and terms and conditions can be found in the documents below. If you require any further information or wish to make a booking, please contact the school office.  

Our Funfactor manager is Miss Macdonald. For general enquiries or any further information please email If you need to contact Funfactor after the school office closes at 4pm, please call 07527 325710.




Below is a 3 week sample menu for the After School Club. The options and days do vary throughout the academic year due to changes of the main school menu so we adhere to the Food Standards. 


The menu for the Holiday Clubs looks different again. 


Holiday Club


Breakfast - Toast or a range of cereals


Lunch - A cold wrap or crumpets with a range of fruit, salad, yoghurts and a biscuit


Tea - A range of choices; chicken dippers, beans or hoops on toast, pasta bake, sausage and mashed potato, soup with bread, toasties etc

  • Parkroyal Community School
  • Lyon Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire,
  • SK11 6QX
Get in touch