


We will, as our pupils are growing and learning with us, care for, support and safeguard them whilst striving to encourage them to be responsible citizens and do the same for each other and their wider community.


We will strive to ignite our pupils’ desire and enthusiasm to learn without limits.


We will aim to encourage our pupils and school community to develop academically and socially which will develop their desire to explore the wider world, skilled and equipped to find out even more.


We will foster belief through believing in yourself, taking on challenges and digging deep within yourself to conquer fears.

Year 6



Our teaching team...



Mr B Utteridge

Miss H Waller

Mrs R Aurie

Miss L Jenner

Mrs C Savage

Mrs M Harwood

Mrs T Brown

Mrs C Tuson

Mrs S Pimblett   


Start of the day – Doors open at 8:35am. Children can enter school and will be asked to complete morning tasks. 

Registration – 8.35-8.45am. Registers close at 8:45am, after which a child will be marked as late. 

Break Time – 10.50am until 11.05am

Lunch Time – 12.30pm until 1.30pm. Year 6 will usually eat in the canteen from 12.30pm to 12.45pm,

End of the day – Our teaching time will end at 3.15pm. 6UW will exit from Door 4 (Zen Den), and 6RJ from Door 3 (Tyre Park) shortly after.



Each Wednesday, children will receive a homework task set on Google Classroom. The weekly homework will go out each Wednesday and is expected to be completed by the following Tuesday. If completing work online poses a problem, we can arrange for work to be sent home in a book. 


We require all children to strengthen their times table knowledge, and address gaps. Our school subscription to Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) supports this and we would encourage daily practise at home, for no more than 20 minutes.


During the Autumn and Spring term, a project-based homework will be set on Google Classroom, known as ‘Six Ways to Be Smart'. Usually, the child will have 6 weeks to complete one of the six given tasks. The time available is much greater than our weekly homework and therefore, we expect that the standard of work in the finished piece should reflect this. Click on our 6WTBS page for current details.


Your child’s passwords for Google Classroom, Purple Mash, Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) should be available in your child’s reading record.



Children are expected to read for 20 minutes each day. We ask that a note is made in their reading record to show this, so that we capture your child’s reading experience across the year. Please ensure that reading records are in school every Friday as this is when they will be checked by their class teacher.  Your child will have an appropriate book from our book bands, or a ‘free reader’ for those with more advanced skills, but these can be supplemented by reading other books and texts at home.



We ask for children each day to bring in to school a water bottle of their own with fresh water inside, children have access to their bottles throughout the day and they will be sent home at the end of the day to be cleaned. Should your child require anything other than water, ie for medical reasons, please notify your child’s teacher.



Each day, we will ask children to select one of 3 options for their lunch. Lunch choices can be accessed on the website. CLICK HERE


Children can bring in an appropriate snack to eat at morning break time. These must be brought into the classroom each morning. Please ensure that this reflects our Healthy snack policy. Alternatively, you may wish to order a snack prepared by the catering team. CLICK HERE



Children will participate in two PE lessons each week. Currently, outdoor PE takes place on a Monday and Indoor PE on a Friday. Please can you ensure children have the appropriate kits in school at all times in case of opportunities for extra curricular sport or if the PE day changes. We recommend you send in kits at the start of each half term and we will send them home at the end of each half term to be cleaned.


Indoor PE Kits should contain – White T-shirt, Red Shorts, pumps

Outdoor PE kits should contain a plain Blue / Black or Grey Tracksuit. Trainers are preferable for outdoor PE.


Additional indoor kit is available at Classworx on King Edward Road, or Finesse Schoolwear on Pickford Street. 



Full details of our curriculum can be found on our school curriculum page


These are some of the texts used to support our Reading and Writing curriculum this year...

There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom

by Louis Sachar


by Kwame Alexander


by David Long

On the Origin of Species

by Sabina Radeva

A Story Like the Wind

by Gill Lewis

Between Worlds

by Kevin Crossley-Holland


by Philip Pullman


by Louis Sachar

Crater Lake

by Jennifer Killick


by Bram Stoker

While the Storm Rages

Phil Earle

The Woman in White

Wilkie Collins


Flaxman Low, Psychic Detective

E&H Heron






Our foundation curriculum this year will include...
Art & Design

Printing - Silk Industry in Macclesfield (lino printing), William Morris

Painting - observation, experience & imagination, Mondrian

Drawing - Draw with precision and perspective

TextilesAnnette Morgan & Janet Bolton

Digital Media - Import an image into a graphics package

Design Technology

Cooking & nutrition - research, plan and make a dish focusing on a key ingredient

Electrical systems - design and build a steady hand game

Mechanisms/ Structure - mechanical toys


Where do we get our natural resources?

(energy, food, minerals, water, trade links economy)

How can we make our local area sustainable for the future?

Where in the world is the best place to farm?



What was the impact of the Manchester Blitz on people’s lives?

How and why did the Vikings invade Britain?

How does early Islamic civilisation contrast with Anglo-Saxon Britain?


Which exercise makes my heart beat the fastest? 

How do penguins survive in sub-zero temperatures?

How can we see around corners?

What affects the brightness of a bulb? 

What do we have in common with dolphins and whales?

Religious Education (RE)

We will learn about aspects of:






Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE)

This year, key elements of our PSHE curriculum is being delivered through My Happy Mind, a science-backed programme designed to help children build resilience, self-esteem and confidence. During Relationship Week in the Spring Term, our teaching staff will deliver a series of lessons on Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), using the Christopher Winter Project (CWP) materials. Click below to download the Scheme of Work for Year 6.

CWP Scheme of Work for Year 6

  • Parkroyal Community School
  • Lyon Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire,
  • SK11 6QX
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